Our customers understand that it’s vital to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. As a renewable energy source, our product is critical to the planet’s future.
Bioenergy’s Important Role
The world’s most ambitious and important climate goal calls for limiting the Earth’s warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius in order to avert climate disaster. The world’s leading authority, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), states emphatically that bioenergy is essential to meeting that goal.
Preserving Forests to Preserve the Environment
Every pathway the IPCC proposes to limit temperature increases to 1.5°C requires the increased use of bioenergy. The IPCC also notes that sustainable forest management—aimed at providing products like timber, fiber, and bioenergy—is critical to preventing forest conversion to non-forest uses.
Enviva: Part of the Solution
According to the world’s leading climate experts, we need bioenergy both to displace fossil fuels and to keep forests as forests. Enviva is proud to be part of this solution. Our wood pellets can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by >85 percent on a lifecycle basis.

Sustaining Healthy Forests
We are committed to stewardship and preventing the conversion of forest land to other uses.

Responsible Sourcing
We augment the productivity of working forests and strive to only source from forests that will be maintained as forests.