We understand that everything we do has an impact. We’ve made it our business to create a dependable supply chain that minimizes our effect on the environment and on our communities.
Innovative Logistics
Our facilities are strategically located in areas that minimize transportation from forest to plant to port, and we use modes of transportation that further lessen overall environmental impact. Locally, we recycle byproducts from our processes to improve local farmland. Any wood that cannot be used for pellets—such as bark—is used to fuel the dryer.
Responsible Sourcing
We continuously enhance our Responsible Sourcing Policy, which guides our sourcing decisions, including how we procure our wood and secondary feedstock. Enviva is dedicated to creating partnerships and collaborative relationships with conservation entities to achieve our goal of supporting the responsible stewardship of working forests, today and into the future.

Operational Excellence
Exceeding expectations is a journey of determination, accountability, and leadership.

Responsible Manufacturing
As part of our continuous improvement culture, we continue to enhance and improve our plant designs to minimize any impact on neighboring communities and the environment.