Enviva is proud to work with thousands of small private landowners who manage their lands for income and other values, such as wildlife habitats and aesthetics. We provide landowners with a key market for their wood that often would otherwise not get used for lumber or other higher-value products.
Forest Management Certification
Enviva is proud to offer forest certification to interested landowners in our supply region whose land meets certification requirements. Our forest management group certifies landowners to the American Tree Farm System® (ATFS)
If interested in enrolling in one of our forest management groups, please fill out the form and a member of our sustainability team will follow up with more information.
Landowner outreach
Landowner outreach is required under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) 2014–2021 standards. SICs have developed landowner outreach packets to help SFI-certified companies with their outreach activities.
Enviva’s landowner outreach materials are aligned with available materials produced by SICs within Enviva’s fiber sourcing regions.

About Us
At Enviva, we are at the forefront of providing renewable energy solutions to mitigate climate change.